MCV4U Calculus & Vectors
UNIT 8 Application of Derivatives
UNIT 1 Intro to Vectors
Get Ready for the Diagnostic PRACTICEreviewQues.pdf If you need more practice, go to gr12AdvancedFunctions link and look under UNIT 0 for more handouts Answers to some HW questions: DAY 1: Introduction To Vectors DAY 2: Vector Addition 6.2_15.pdf 6.3_7.pdf 6.3_17.pdf  6.3_22.pdf  6.4_12.pdf  DAY 3: Vector Properties midCh6_5.pdf  DAY 4: Plane and Space Vectors DAY 5: Vector Operations DAY 6: Linear Combinations, Coplanar Vectors 6.8_14.jpg 6.8_9b.JPG 6.8_16.JPG 6.8_17.JPG ReviewGame.pdf  Answers to some HW questions: DAY 1: Forces DAY 2: Velocity DAY 3: Dot Product geometric 7.3_15_16_18.pdf 7.3_13_17.pdf DAY 4: Dot Product algebraic 7.4_14_16_17_18_19.pdf DAY 5: Projections 7.5_15_17.pdf DAY 6: Cross Product 7.6_13.pdf DAY 7: Applications 7.7_9_10.pdf ReviewQuesTest2.pdf  Answers to some HW questions: DAY 1: Vector, Parametric equations of Lines in 2 dimensions 8.1_10_11_13_14.pdf DAY 2: Cartesian equations of Lines in 2 dimensions 8.2_8_12_13_14.pdf DAY 3: Vector, Parametric, Symmetric equations of Lines in 3 dim 8.3_12_13_14.pdf 8.3_14twoVersions.pdf  DAY 4: Vector, Parametric equations of Planes 8.4_11_14_15.pdf DAY 5: Cartesian equations of Planes 8.5_13_14_15_16_17.pdf DAY 6: Sketfching and Review 8.6_11.pdf extraTIPSquestNOans.pdf   extraTIPSquestFULLans.pdf   Answers to some HW questions: DAY 1    : Intersection of Two Lines and Plane with a Line 9.1_13_15_17_18.pdf DAY 2&3: Intersection of Planes 9.3_11_12.pdf DAY 4    : Distances 9.5_9_10_11_9.6_5_6.pdf ch9rev_20.jpg More practice questions: DAY 1: Limits DAY 2-3: Properties of Limits PRACTICElimitsDirectSub.pdf PRACTICElimitsVAs.pdf PRACTICElimitsAtInfinity.pdf PRACTICElimitsRemovableDiscont.pdf PRACTICElimitsJumpDiscontCusps.pdf DAY 4: Continuity PRACTICEcontinuity.pdf DAY 4: Slopes & Rates of Change ReviewIntroCalc.pdf  More practice questions: DAY 1: Derivative Sketches PRACTICEDerivSketch.pdf PRACTICEDerivSketchANS.pdf DAY 2: Derivatives from 1st principles DAY 3: Polynomial Derivatives DAY 4: Product Rule, Power of Function Rule PRACTICEpowerOfFunction.pdf DAY 5: Quotient Rule DAY 6: Implicit Differentiation PRACTICEimplicitPolyn.pdf DAY 7: Chain Rule ReviewDeriv.pdf  More practice questions: DAY 1: Increasing and Decreasing Intervals PRACTICEincDec.pdf DAY 2: Classifying Critical Points PRACTICEmaxMin.pdf DAY 3: Asymptotes DAY 4: Concavity and Points of Inflection PRACTICECuCd.pdf DAY 5: Sketching all together PRACTICEcurveAnalysis.pdf PRACTICEcurveSketching.pdf More practice questions: DAY 1    : Velocity and Acceleration PRACTICEmotionAlongLine.pdf DAY 2    : Absolute Max and Min PRACTICEabsMaxMin.pdf DAY 3-4 : Optimization PRACTICEoptimization.pdf Answers to some HW questions: 3.3_10.jpg 3.3_11.jpg 3.3_14.jpg 3.3_22.jpg 3.4_5.jpg 3.4_7_9.jpg 3.4_17.jpg 3.4_18.jpg More practice questions: DAY 1: Natural Exponential and Logarithmic Derivatives PRACTICEderivativesNaturalLogExp.pdf PRACTICEderivativesLogExp.pdf DAY 2: Exponential and Logarithmic Derivatives of any Base DAY 3: Trigonometric Derivatives PRACTICEderivativesTrig.pdf DAY 4-5: Related Rates PRACTICErelatedRates0.pdf PRACTICErelatedRates1.pdf PRACTICErelatedRates2.pdf solutions RelRatesPracticeTWO_6_8_9.jpg RelRatesPracticeTWO_11_12_13_14.jpg PRACTICErelatedRates3.pdf solutions ansPRACTICErelatedRates3.pdf DAY 6: Review of all Derivatives PRACTICEderivativesAll.pdf solutions ansPRACTICEderivativesAll.pdf PRACTICEimplicit.pdf solutions PRACTICEimplicitANS.pdf PRACTICEderivEvaluate.pdf PRACTICEslopeEvaluate.pdf PRACTICEtangentLines.pdf PRACTICEnormalLines.pdf PRACTICEhorizTangents.pdf Textbook solutions to some questions 5.3_8.pdf 5.4_12.pdf ch5Review_21.pdf ch5Review_22.pdf EXAMreview_Calc.pdf EXAMreview_Vect.pdf EXTRA TEXTBOOK Cumulative Reviews:         VectorReview.pdf         CalcReview.pdf Answers:         ansVectorReview.pdf         ansCalcReview.pdf FULL Solutions to some of TEXTBOOK review:         Vectors_36_35.jpg         Vectors_34_33_32_31.jpg         Vectors_30_29.jpg         Vectors_28_27_26.jpg         Calc_32.jpg         Calc_31.jpg         Calc_30_29_28_27.jpg         Calc_26a_b.jpg
UNIT 2 Application of Vectors
UNIT 3 Lines and Planes
UNIT 4 Intersections
UNIT 5 Intro to Calculus
UNIT 6 Derivatives
UNIT 7 Curve Sketching
UNIT 9 Exp Log and Trig Derivatives
EXAM Review
MCV4U Calculus & Vectors
UNIT 8 Application of Derivatives
UNIT 1 Intro to Vectors
Get Ready for the Diagnostic PRACTICEreviewQues.pdf If you need more practice, go to gr12AdvancedFunctions link and look under UNIT 0 for more handouts Answers to some HW questions: DAY 1: Introduction To Vectors DAY 2: Vector Addition 6.2_15.pdf 6.3_7.pdf 6.3_17.pdf  6.3_22.pdf  6.4_12.pdf  DAY 3: Vector Properties midCh6_5.pdf  DAY 4: Plane and Space Vectors DAY 5: Vector Operations DAY 6: Linear Combinations, Coplanar Vectors 6.8_14.jpg 6.8_9b.JPG 6.8_16.JPG 6.8_17.JPG ReviewGame.pdf  Answers to some HW questions: DAY 1: Forces DAY 2: Velocity DAY 3: Dot Product geometric 7.3_15_16_18.pdf 7.3_13_17.pdf DAY 4: Dot Product algebraic 7.4_14_16_17_18_19.pdf DAY 5: Projections 7.5_15_17.pdf DAY 6: Cross Product 7.6_13.pdf DAY 7: Applications 7.7_9_10.pdf ReviewQuesTest2.pdf  Answers to some HW questions: DAY 1: Vector, Parametric equations of Lines in 2 dimensions 8.1_10_11_13_14.pdf DAY 2: Cartesian equations of Lines in 2 dimensions 8.2_8_12_13_14.pdf DAY 3: Vector, Parametric, Symmetric equations of Lines in 3 dim 8.3_12_13_14.pdf 8.3_14twoVersions.pdf  DAY 4: Vector, Parametric equations of Planes 8.4_11_14_15.pdf DAY 5: Cartesian equations of Planes 8.5_13_14_15_16_17.pdf DAY 6: Sketfching and Review 8.6_11.pdf extraTIPSquestNOans.pdf   extraTIPSquestFULLans.pdf   Answers to some HW questions: DAY 1    : Intersection of Two Lines and Plane with a Line 9.1_13_15_17_18.pdf DAY 2&3: Intersection of Planes 9.3_11_12.pdf DAY 4    : Distances 9.5_9_10_11_9.6_5_6.pdf ch9rev_20.jpg More practice questions: DAY 1: Limits DAY 2-3: Properties of Limits PRACTICElimitsDirectSub.pdf PRACTICElimitsVAs.pdf PRACTICElimitsAtInfinity.pdf PRACTICElimitsRemovableDiscont.pdf PRACTICElimitsJumpDiscontCusps.pdf DAY 4: Continuity PRACTICEcontinuity.pdf DAY 4: Slopes & Rates of Change ReviewIntroCalc.pdf  More practice questions: DAY 1: Derivative Sketches PRACTICEDerivSketch.pdf PRACTICEDerivSketchANS.pdf DAY 2: Derivatives from 1st principles DAY 3: Polynomial Derivatives DAY 4: Product Rule, Power of Function Rule PRACTICEpowerOfFunction.pdf DAY 5: Quotient Rule DAY 6: Implicit Differentiation PRACTICEimplicitPolyn.pdf DAY 7: Chain Rule ReviewDeriv.pdf  More practice questions: DAY 1: Increasing and Decreasing Intervals PRACTICEincDec.pdf DAY 2: Classifying Critical Points PRACTICEmaxMin.pdf DAY 3: Asymptotes DAY 4: Concavity and Points of Inflection PRACTICECuCd.pdf DAY 5: Sketching all together PRACTICEcurveAnalysis.pdf PRACTICEcurveSketching.pdf More practice questions: DAY 1    : Velocity and Acceleration PRACTICEmotionAlongLine.pdf DAY 2    : Absolute Max and Min PRACTICEabsMaxMin.pdf DAY 3-4 : Optimization PRACTICEoptimization.pdf Answers to some HW questions: 3.3_10.jpg 3.3_11.jpg 3.3_14.jpg 3.3_22.jpg 3.4_5.jpg 3.4_7_9.jpg 3.4_17.jpg 3.4_18.jpg More practice questions: DAY 1: Natural Exponential and Logarithmic Derivatives PRACTICEderivativesNaturalLogExp.pdf PRACTICEderivativesLogExp.pdf DAY 2: Exponential and Logarithmic Derivatives of any Base DAY 3: Trigonometric Derivatives PRACTICEderivativesTrig.pdf DAY 4-5: Related Rates PRACTICErelatedRates0.pdf PRACTICErelatedRates1.pdf PRACTICErelatedRates2.pdf solutions RelRatesPracticeTWO_6_8_9.jpg RelRatesPracticeTWO_11_12_13_14.jpg PRACTICErelatedRates3.pdf solutions ansPRACTICErelatedRates3.pdf DAY 6: Review of all Derivatives PRACTICEderivativesAll.pdf solutions ansPRACTICEderivativesAll.pdf PRACTICEimplicit.pdf solutions PRACTICEimplicitANS.pdf PRACTICEderivEvaluate.pdf PRACTICEslopeEvaluate.pdf PRACTICEtangentLines.pdf PRACTICEnormalLines.pdf PRACTICEhorizTangents.pdf Textbook solutions to some questions 5.3_8.pdf 5.4_12.pdf ch5Review_21.pdf ch5Review_22.pdf EXAMreview_Calc.pdf EXAMreview_Vect.pdf EXTRA TEXTBOOK Cumulative Reviews:         VectorReview.pdf         CalcReview.pdf Answers:         ansVectorReview.pdf         ansCalcReview.pdf FULL Solutions to some of TEXTBOOK review:         Vectors_36_35.jpg         Vectors_34_33_32_31.jpg         Vectors_30_29.jpg         Vectors_28_27_26.jpg         Calc_32.jpg         Calc_31.jpg         Calc_30_29_28_27.jpg         Calc_26a_b.jpg
UNIT 2 Application of Vectors
UNIT 3 Lines and Planes
UNIT 4 Intersections
UNIT 5 Intro to Calculus
UNIT 6 Derivatives
UNIT 7 Curve Sketching
UNIT 9 Exp Log and Trig Derivatives
EXAM Review