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What programs need calculus? bio sciences life sciences pharmaceutical sci. environmental sci. chemistry physics
Why Do Math?
Writing About Math
 Virtual Graphing Calc
Study Tips
Regarding Careers
 3D Grapher for Vectors and Planes
 Other Resource Sites
Math On the Job Job/Math Correlations When will I use Math? Math Career Info A site full of history and problems connected to real life Exploring Pre Calculus  A letter to a young mathematician http://mrsk.ca/EXTRA/letter-to-a-young-mathematician.pdf A mathematics autobiography http://mrsk.ca/EXTRA/Mathography.pdf Instructions and Rubric http://mrsk.ca/EXTRA/writing-assignment-rubric.pdf from hennesseymath.com Three choices: A mathematicians lament  The Feeling of Power The Woman Who Bested The Men At Math Student Self Evaluation  Math Study Skills from korpisworld.com Notation Tips from UOIT Principles of Problem Solving  http://www.greatgroupgames.com/ website of different non math games http://www.group-games.com/ another good one 60 second competitions - given to me - so not all instructions are clear TI89 Virtual Graphing Calculator http://mrsk.ca/EXTRA/TI89-Emulator.zip Instructions and Activities http://education.ti.com/html/t3_free_courses/calculus89_online/ used in outlines Download the Zip File  Graphs Planes, Lines and Vectors Allows interactive rotation of the view http://www.kutasoftware.com/freeica.html http://www.coolmath.com/index.html http://www.regentsprep.org/Regents/math/algtrig/math-algtrig.htm http://www.themathpage.com https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~marx/precalculus.html http://www.purplemath.com/modules/index.htm http://www.sosmath.com http://www.brightstorm.com/math/precalculus https://www.khanacademy.org/math/calculus http://mathispower4u.yolasite.com/algebra.php http://interactmath.com/home.aspx http://hotmath.com/help/gt/miniprecalcgt/index.html http://www.univie.ac.at/future.media/moe/tests.html http://bcmath.ca/mathlessons.html http://www.bmlc.ca/Pre-Calculus%20Math%2040s.html http://studypug.com OTHER TEACHER’s Compilations of MATH LINKS http://homework.zendog.org/calcotherstuff.html
math/economics forensics computing sciences any type of engineering radiation sciences nuclear sciences
Extra Resources
Why Do Math?
Writing About Math
 Virtual Graphing Calc
Study Tips
Regarding Careers
 3D Grapher for Vectors and Planes
 Other Resource Sites
What programs need calculus? bio sciences life sciences pharmaceutical sci. environmental sci. chemistry physics
Math On the Job Job/Math Correlations When will I use Math? Math Career Info A site full of history and problems connected to real life Exploring Pre Calculus  A letter to a young mathematician http://mrsk.ca/EXTRA/letter-to-a-young-mathematician.pdf A mathematics autobiography http://mrsk.ca/EXTRA/Mathography.pdf Instructions and Rubric http://mrsk.ca/EXTRA/writing-assignment-rubric.pdf  from hennesseymath.com Three choices: A mathematicians lament  The Feeling of Power The Woman Who Bested The Men At Math Student Self Evaluation  Math Study Skills from korpisworld.com Notation Tips from UOIT Principles of Problem Solving  http://www.greatgroupgames.com/  website of different non math games http://www.group-games.com/ another good one 60 second competitions - given to me - so not all instructions are clear TI89 Virtual Graphing Calculator http://mrsk.ca/EXTRA/TI89-Emulator.zip Instructions and Activities http://education.ti.com/html/t3_free_courses/calculus89_onl ine/ used in outlines Download the Zip File  Graphs Planes, Lines and Vectors Allows interactive rotation of the view http://www.kutasoftware.com/freeica.html http://www.coolmath.com/index.html http://www.regentsprep.org/Regents/math/algtrig/math- algtrig.htm http://www.themathpage.com https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~marx/precalculus.html http://www.purplemath.com/modules/index.htm http://www.sosmath.com http://www.brightstorm.com/math/precalculus https://www.khanacademy.org/math/calculus http://mathispower4u.yolasite.com/algebra.php http://interactmath.com/home.aspx http://hotmath.com/help/gt/miniprecalcgt/index.html http://www.univie.ac.at/future.media/moe/tests.html http://bcmath.ca/mathlessons.html http://www.bmlc.ca/Pre-Calculus%20Math%2040s.html http://studypug.com OTHER TEACHER’s Compilations of MATH LINKS http://homework.zendog.org/calcotherstuff.html
math/economics forensics computing sciences any type of engineering radiation sciences nuclear sciences